Creativity on a Budget

A lot of writers, myself included, don’t make our living writing. We can be found in law offices, on construction sites, behind the counter at McDonald’s. Our occupations are as varied as the stories we write, but we all have one thing in common: these bills aren’t going to pay themselves.

So, when I saw a list of tips for maximizing creativity that included ‘take a full week off from work every three months,’ I made this face:

tell flower more

I feel it’s worth noting that that particular piece of advice was issued not by a writer or an artist, but by a venture capitalist who is clearly in a position where such a thing is feasible. I also feel it’s worth noting that I’m not criticizing the venture capitalist in question. Work hard, reap the benefits, you do you, boo, that’s great. But, let’s be realistic here. Creativity is universal. Financial security is not.

In this economy, how many working people have the luxury of being able to off their smartphones, pack their bags, and take a weeklong vacation every three months? Not me, certainly. My current job is paid by the hour, so every hour I don’t work is an hour I’m not compensated for. Would it be nice to get away that frequently? Yes. Can my wallet take the hit? No, no it cannot.

Creativity is one of the most unique and essential facets of our lives, and advice designed to nurture it shouldn’t come with the ‘if you can afford to’ caveat. Art is for everyone, not just those with economic privilege.

What do you do to make the most of your time, your money, and keep the creative juices flowing? Leave your tips in the comments, or hit me up on Twitter or Facebook.

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